Reintroduction of TCZ in such patients is not recommended (grade 2C, SOA 99%). High risk patients (e.g. In patients who are HBV positive, a risk–benefit assessment should be undertaken, as biologics may be safe if appropriate anti-viral treatment is given, working closely with a hepatologist (grade 1C, SOA 99%). C.H. NICE has accredited the process used by the BSR to produce its guidance on the safety of biologic DMARDs in inflammatory arthritis. Our guidelines grow out of the collaborative efforts of many members and non-members, specialists and generalists, patients and carers. If patients develop uveitis while on a biologic, a trial of an alternative biologic could be considered, bearing in mind the latest reported relative risks (grade 1C, SOA 99%). Summary of DMARDs covered in this guideline and information on whether they require routine monitoring or not. Such patients should be discussed with a dermatologist prior to commencing anti-TNF therapy (grade 2C, SOA 96%). TCZ, and in the 3 days before every fourth s.c. injection. Patients receiving TCZ should have their serum lipids checked at 3 months, and be treated appropriately if abnormal; they may be checked again thereafter at physician’s discretion (grade 2A, SOA 99%). NIH Patients receiving RTX should have serum immunoglobulins (especially IgG and IgM) checked prior to each cycle of RTX. Patients should be advised that there is no conclusive evidence for an increased risk of solid tumours or lymphoproliferative disease linked with biologic therapy, but that on-going vigilance is required (grade 1A, SOA 99%). Guidance for Rheumatology patients receiving DMARD, Biologic and / or steroid medication during the Covid-19 outbreak and updated blood monitoring schedule (26032020)This guidance HAS NOT changed. HBV immunization should be considered for at risk patients (grade 2C, SOA 94%). The use of biologic therapies has transformed the management of inflammatory arthritis, with disease remission becoming an increasingly achievable goal. J.T. Consideration, in consultation with a respiratory physician with a specialist interest in ILD, should be given to stopping biologic therapy in patients with worsening or new features of ILD. The relative risks of the available agents should be taken into account when selecting which treatment to use (grade 1C, SOA 96%). The reference lists of retrieved articles were manually searched for additional papers and these were included if appropriate. Correspondence to: Christopher Holroyd, Rheumatology Department, University Hospital Southampton, Tremona Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO16 6YD, UK. Ding T, Ledingham J, Luqmani R, Westlake S, Hyrich K, Lunt M, Kiely P, Bukhari M, Abernethy R, Bosworth A, Ostor A, Gadsby K, McKenna F, Finney D, Dixey J, Deighton C; Standards, Audit and Guidelines Working Group of BSR Clinical Affairs Committee; BHPR. Indications: (Licensed) RA, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Treatment changes should be made in light of results, with guidance from an HIV specialist (grade 2C, SOA 99%). The monitoring requirements and plan should be set out in the written shared care protocol for each patient. Secondary care health professionals directly involved in the management of patients with inflammatory arthritis. Biologics should not be initiated in the presence of serious active infections (defined as requiring intravenous antibiotics or hospitalization; not including tuberculosis) (grade 1B, SOA 98%). Patients on biologics who develop symptoms suggestive of TB should receive full anti-TB treatment but may continue with their biologic if clinically indicated after risk–benefit analysis and discussion with a TB expert (grade 2C, SOA 96%). Consider switching patients with uveitis currently taking ETN to IFX or ADA (grade 2C, SOA 98%). has received sponsorship to attend meetings by Pfizer and UCB and received honoraria for speaking for Eli Lilly. If patients develop worsening cardiac failure while on anti-TNF, consideration should be given to stopping therapy if no other explanation for worsening cardiac failure is found following input from a cardiologist (grade 2 C, SOA 99%). Biologic therapies may be continued in patients who develop a BCC that is fully excised, after careful discussion with the patient and a risk–benefit analysis (grade 2C, SOA 97%). It should state which doctor is primarily responsible for arranging and reviewing the laboratory investigations. Using the GRADE approach, the quality of evidence was determined as either high (A), moderate (B) or low/very low (C) reflecting the confidence in the estimates of benefits or harm. Patients with serological evidence of occult HBV infection may require concomitant anti-viral treatment if detrimental changes in monitoring tests develop (grade 1B, SOA 99%). The initial monitoring of DMARDs via blood tests is undertaken by the specialist who commenced the drug. There has been recent BSR safety guidance (2016 and 2017) on the use of biologics, which has been incorporated. Rechallenge with anti-TNF therapy is not recommended (grade 2B, SOA 99%). Patients should have rapid access to specialist health care for consideration of early treatment (grade 1B, SOA 99%). When should therapy be interrupted? This should be administered preferably >14 days before starting biologic therapy (grade 2C, SOA 97%). There is conflicting evidence regarding the risk of skin cancers with anti-TNF therapy; patients should be advised of the need for preventative skin care, skin surveillance and prompt reporting of new persistent skin lesions (grade 1B, SOA 96%). Patients should be provided with education about their treatment to promote self-management (grade 1B, SOA 99%). 2010 Nov;49(11):2217-9. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keq249a. Hence, any rapid fall or consistent downward trend in any parameter warrants extra vigilance. Advice and guidance regarding DMARDs Taken from the RCGP Guidance on workload prioritisation during COVID-19. What effect do certain co-morbidities have on prescribing and choice of therapy? For full details on our accreditation visit: The use of DMARDs is limited by potentially serious side-effects, and therefore patients who are taking these drugs should be monitored on a regular basis as in the table below. PRESCRIBED DMARDs DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC OUTBREAK Click here to read the full guidance for this patient cohort which also includes advice on the frequency of blood test monitoring of DMARDs in stable patients. DMARDs tha monitoring: AZA, CSA, LEF, MTX, MMF, GOLD 5. Patients prescribed a biologic (other than TCZ) without concomitant csDMARD (or with csDMARDs that do not require blood test monitoring), should have monitoring blood tests (FBC, creatinine/calculated GFR, ALT and/or AST and albumin every 3–6 months (grade 2C, SOA 97%). 2019 Oct;85(10):2228-2234. doi: 10.1111/bcp.14057. Recommended investigations for commonly used DMARDs are listed in Table 1. Management of early rheumatoid arthritis. Clinicians should be encouraged to recruit patients to the appropriate biologic therapy registry, with patient consent (grade 1C, SOA 98%). Severe Harm and Death Associated With Errors and Drug Interactions Involving Low-Dose Methotrexate. (For Frequency of Monitoring Refer to BSR/BHPR guidelines for disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy in consultation with the British Association of Dermatologists. BSR and BHPR guideline for the prescription and monitoring of non-biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs Rheumatology (Oxford) . Paracetamol oral 1g 4–6 hourly (maximum 4g in 24 hours) 1. This table sets out the requirements for ongoing monitoring of conventional DMARDs (disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs) in primary care. Patients should remain Recommendations were only included where the mean SOA was ⩾7 and ⩾75% of respondents scored ⩾7. RTX or ABA may be considered in patients with worsening or new ILD (grade 2C, SOA 90%). S.B. C.C. Rhumatology Consultants Dr Bradlow, Dr Chan, Dr Mcnally, Dr MacDonald and Dr Kitchen Consider using a non-anti-TNF biologic in this situation (grade 2B, SOA 97%). However, extending blood monitoring is not suitable if … Comment on: BSR/BHPR guideline for disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy in consultation with the British Association of Dermatologists. If abnormal, lipid lowering treatment should be initiated as per local guidance (grade 2A, SOA 99%). They require regular monitoring as they can increase the risk of infections and complications. Approved: MS April 2019: MS 19.33.1 Page 2 of 18 VERSION SUMMARY OF CHANGES DATE 1.0 Original document (joint with dermatology, has received sponsorship to attend the national BSR conference from Pfizer and has received honoraria to speak at regional educational meetings by Abbvie and Eli Lilly. those at high risk of TB) should be reviewed every 3 months. This is the executive summary of The British Society for Rheumatology biologic DMARD safety guidelines in inflammatory arthritis, doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/key208. RTX may be considered as a first-line biologic option is these patients (grade 2C, SOA 97%). Patients receiving TCZ: a baseline lipid profile is recommended prior to initiation. Can changes to the BSR guidelines for leflunomide and methotrexate on alcohol consumption be justified? Although efficacious, biologic therapies are not without potential risk; hence it is important that clinicians are aware of these risks and ensure that appr… The results were expressed as an SOA score (0–10, where 0 denoted complete disagreement and 10 denoted complete agreement). Patients should be screened for HBV and HCV infection (grade 1C, SOA 98%). Patients should have direct access to their specialist centre [e.g. Health-care professionals should have a high index of suspicion for atypical/opportunistic infections, especially if there is current or recent steroid use. A.M. has received honoraria for sponsored presentations from MSD, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Roche and received an honorarium from Pfizer for professional services. Patients receiving RTX: baseline immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG and IgM) are recommended prior to initiation (grade 1A, SOA 98%). Please check for further notifications by email. Patients with significant co-morbidities who are also receiving biologic therapies, should have close involvement with specialists in that field (grade 1 C, SOA 99%). A comprehensive literature search was undertaken using MEDLINE, Cochrane, PubMed and EMBASE databases with specific search terms. Copyright © 2020 British Society for Rheumatology. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interest. Recommended DMARD Blood Monitoring DO With considerable increase in DMARD prescriptions following early diagnosis and aggressive treatment, monitoring in hospitals have increased the workload. No routine monitoring is necessary with apremilast, hydroxychloroquine, mepa- crine or minocycline. R.S. The British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) is the UK's leading specialist medical society for rheumatology and musculoskeletal professionals. BSR's 'gold standard' clinical guidelines support evidence-based clinical practice in rheumatology. Pre-existing interstitial lung disease (ILD) is not a specific contraindication to biologic therapy; however, caution is advised in patients with poor respiratory reserve (in whom a significant drop in lung function would be potentially life threatening); in this situation it is advised to work closely with a respiratory physician with a specialist interest in ILD (grade 2C, SOA 99%). Abstracts from BSR, EULAR and ACR annual conferences up to and including EULAR 2016 were also included. If considering the use of biologic therapy in HIV positive patients, this should be discussed with an HIV specialist. 2007 May;55:355-62. This guideline does not cover the following topics: the use of biologic therapy for conditions other than RA, axial SpA (including AS) and PsA; safety in individuals aged <18 years; safety in the context of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as this has recently been covered in the BSR/BHPR prescribing drugs in pregnancy guidelines [4]; biologics approved by NICE after June 2016 (such as secukinumab and sarilumab) or Janus-kinase inhibitors; and biosimilar preparations of branded biologics; until further clinical data are available, the safety recommendations we propose for originator biologics can be applied to their biosimilar counterparts. It should be borne in mind that a reasonable benefit–risk ratio for HIV patients exists with anti-TNF therapy if HIV infection is controlled (CD4+ count >200 cells/mm3 and viral load undetectable) and anti-TNF is given in combination with highly active anti-retroviral therapy (grade 2C, SOA 99%). Rechallenging with an alternative anti-TNF agent should only be undertaken with caution (grade 1C, SOA 99%). Rheumatology Department, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK. monitoring remains with the hospital or specialist. Christopher R Holroyd, Rakhi Seth, Marwan Bukhari, Anshuman Malaviya, Claire Holmes, Elizabeth Curtis, Christopher Chan, Mohammed A Yusuf, Anna Litwic, Susan Smolen, Joanne Topliffe, Sarah Bennett, Jennifer Humphreys, Muriel Green, Jo Ledingham, The British Society for Rheumatology biologic DMARD safety guidelines in inflammatory arthritis—Executive summary, Rheumatology, Volume 58, Issue 2, February 2019, Pages 220–226, This guideline has been developed in line with BSR’s guideline protocol. Anti-TNF therapy should not be given when there is a personal history of multiple sclerosis or other demyelinating diseases. A.L. Musculoskeletal Care. has been sponsored to attend regional, national and international meetings by UCB Celltech, Roche/Chugai, Pfizer, AbbVie, Merck, Mennarini, Janssen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis and Eli Lilly and received honoraria for speaking and attended advisory boards with Bristol-Myers Squibb, UCB Celltech, Roche/Chugai, Pfizer, AbbVie, Merck, Mennarini, Sanofi-aventis, Eli Lilly, Janssen and Novartis. Patients receiving csDMARD may require more regular laboratory monitoring (as per BSR/BHPR non-biologic DMARD guidelines, 2017) (grade 2B, SOA 96%). It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. All rights reserved. BMC Rheumatol. 2019 Apr 15;8(4):515. doi: 10.3390/jcm8040515. Exceptions/additions to the monitoring schedule for specific DMARDs are included in Table 1 (GRADE 2B and C, 100%). Baseline assessment for all should include (grade 1C SOA 98%): laboratory evaluation of full blood count (FBC), creatinine/calculated glomerular filtration rate (GFR), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and/or aspartate aminotransferase (AST), albumin, tuberculin skin test (TST) or IFN-γ release assay (IGRA) or both as appropriate, hepatitis B and C serology and a chest radiograph. Clinicians and patients should be aware that the risk of infection increases as serum IgG levels fall below normal (grade 2A, SOA 99%). The effect of biologics on pre-malignant conditions remains unclear. Biologic therapies should not be commenced in patients with clinical signs of, or under investigation for, malignancy (basal cell carcinoma excluded) (grade 1C, SOA 96%). For patients on immunosuppressive therapy with a normal CXR, a TST is not helpful, as immunosuppression hinders interpretation (grade 2C, SOA 98%). If psoriasis develops in patients treated with anti-TNF, conventional psoriasis treatment should be started and consideration should be given to stopping anti-TNF if the skin lesions persist despite specialist dermatology input or are severe (grade 2B, SOA 99%). (Also refer to vaccination recommendations while on biologic therapy.). All patients require screening for tuberculosis (TB) before starting a biologic (grade 1B, SOA 98%). Epub 2008 Aug 1. van Roon EN, van den Bemt PM, Jansen TL, Houtman NM, van de Laar MA, Brouwers JR. Clin Ther. has received sponsorship to attend a national meeting by Pfizer. For most biologics (exceptions: RTX and TCZ), consideration should be given to planning surgery when at least one dosing interval has elapsed for that specific drug; for higher risk procedures consider stopping 3–5 half-lives before surgery (if this is longer than one dosing interval) (grade 2B, SOA 97%). As TB reactivation risk is higher with anti-TNF mAb drugs (notably ADA and IFX) than for ETN, consider ETN in preference for those who require anti-TNF therapy and are at high risk of TB reactivation (grade 1B, SOA 99%). What monitoring is required? If a lupus-like syndrome or other significant autoimmune disease develops while on anti-TNF therapy, treatment should be discontinued and appropriate interventions should be initiated. Thank you for submitting a comment on this article. Paracetamol is as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in many patients with osteoarthritis. Rheumatology 2016: 55  |  The BSR/BHPR guideline recommends that these patients are monitored more stringently. Patients should be treated with prophylactic anti-TB treatment prior to commencing a biologic (grade 1B, SOA 99%); therapy may be commenced after completing at least 1 month of anti-TB treatment and patients should be monitored every 3 months (grade 2C, SOA 91%). 2008 Oct;47(10):1591; author reply 1591. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/ken322. ADA and IFX can be considered for the treatment of uveitis, in preference to ETN, which appears to be associated with lower rates of treatment success and has been associated with the development of uveitis. via an advice line (Helpline)] for advice within one working day (grade 1C, SOA 98%). Using GRADE, recommendations were categorized as either strong (denoted by 1) or weak (denoted by 2), according to the balance between benefits, risks, burden and cost. Treatment and initial monitoring are usually carried out by a specialist in secondary care. How to Get the Most from Methotrexate (MTX) Treatment for Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient?-MTX in the Treat-to-Target Strategy. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. This guidance has been agreed across all specialities in NHS Highland. In such instances, a non-anti-TNF biologic should be considered. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are a class of drugs, which are designed to influence the course of a disease, not simply treat symptoms. Rechallenge is not recommended (grade 1C, SOA 99%). More information on accreditation can be viewed at Caution should be exercised in the use of biologics in such patients. Osteoarthritis of the shoulder in under-50 year-olds: A multicenter retrospective study of 273 shoulders by the French Society for Shoulder and Elbow (SOFEC). Taylor PC, Balsa Criado A, Mongey AB, Avouac J, Marotte H, Mueller RB. For patients receiving RTX, treatment should ideally be stopped 3–6 months prior to elective surgery (grade 2B, SOA 94%). These Yorkshire Guidelines are felt to represent a safe level of clinical care for patients requiring DMARD treatment, while keeping monitoring time and expenditure to an acceptable level. Changing Patterns of Medical Visits and Factors Associated with No-show in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis during COVID-19 Pandemic. Rheumatology (Oxford). Patients with ILD receiving biologics should be regularly reviewed by a respiratory physician with a specialist interest in ILD, and ideally in a combined rheumatology/respiratory clinic. DMARDs fall into either of … M.B. BSR/BHPR guideline for disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy in consultation with the British Association of Dermatologists Rheumatology (Oxford) . In patients exposed to primary varicella through a close household contact [and without a positive history of varicella zoster (chickenpox) infection or vaccination], post-exposure prophylaxis with varicella zoster immune globulin should be considered if the risks from infection are perceived to be significant. Br J Clin Pharmacol. Patients should be investigated for potential malignancy if clinically suspected and biologics should be stopped if non-basal cell carcinoma (BCC) malignancy is confirmed (grade 1C, SOA 97%). The British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) has attempted to standardise practice with the publication of guidelines (Rheumatology 2008), which relate to choice of investigation, intervals at which they should be performed and relevant action to take if side effects occur. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. Patients commenced on biologics should be closely monitored for TB while on treatment and for at least 6 months after stopping treatment (grade 2C, SOA 98%). Biologic therapy may be used in patients with previous myocardial infarction or cardiovascular events (grade 2B, SOA 99%). E-mail: Search for other works by this author on: Rheumatology Department, University Hospitals of Morecombe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, Lancaster, UK, Rheumatology Department, Mid Essex Hospital NHS Trust, Chelmsford, UK, MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, Rheumatology Department, Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury, UK, Arthritis Research UK Centre for Epidemiology, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK, Rheumatology Department, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK, BSR and BHPR rheumatoid arthritis guidelines on safety of anti-TNF therapies, BSR and BHPR guidelines on the use of rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis, The 2013 BSR and BHPR guideline for the use of intravenous tocilizumab in the treatment of adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis, BSR and BHPR guideline on prescribing drugs in pregnancy and breastfeeding—Part I: standard and biologic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and corticosteroids, The British Society for Rheumatology biologic DMARD safety guidelines in inflammatory arthritis, GRADE: an emerging consensus on rating quality of evidence and strength of recommendations, © The Author(s) 2018. BA1 1RL Telephone: 01225 465941 Facsimile: 01225 421202 DMARD MONITORING GUIDELINES – FOR GP INFORMATION 10.10.08 Sulfasalazine A. Approved MOPB October 2017 review October 2019 Monitoring High Risk Drugs in Primary Care Monitoring Standards for DMARDs based on BSR BHPR Standards 2017 *Azathioprine and mercaptopurine- Heterozygotes for TPMT continue monitoring FBC and LFTs monthly. Clinicians should be vigilant for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, which has been primarily associated with RTX but has also reported with anti-TNF therapy. Patients with an abnormal CXR, previous history of TB or TB treatment should be referred to a specialist with an interest in TB prior to commencing a biologic (grade 2C, SOA 99%). All biologics should be discontinued in the presence of serious infection, but can be recommenced once the infection has resolved (grade 1 A, SOA 99%). treatment within the past 3 months with >40 mg prednisolone per day for >1 week, >20 mg prednisolone per day for >14 days, MTX >25 mg/week, AZA >3.0 mg/kg/day). Bukhari M, Abernethy R, Deighton C et al.  |  2008 Dec;6(4):233-45. doi: 10.1002/msc.135. If this is negative, and there are no contraindications (as listed in 3.31), varicella zoster vaccination should be offered prior to biologic commencement (grade 2C, SOA 98%). Epub 2010 Sep 12. 2008 Jun;47(6):924-5. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kel216a. An evidence-based assessment of the clinical significance of drug-drug interactions between disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and non-antirheumatic drugs according to rheumatologists and pharmacists. Rheumatology Any decision to halt treatment should be made in accordance with the guidance in the TCZ SPC (grade 2C, SOA 96%). This guideline supersedes the previous BSR/BHPR anti-TNF [1], rituximab (RTX) [2] and tocilizumab (TCZ) [3] guidelines and has been developed in line with the BSR Guidelines Protocol. A rare case of septic arthritis of the knee caused by Salmonella typhi with preexisting typhoid fever in a healthy, immunocompetent child - A case report. DMARD monitoring is considered green category: Aim to continue regardless of the scale of the virus outbreak. British Society for Rheumatology, British Health Professionals in Rheumatology Standards, Guidelines and Audit Working Group, British Association of Dermatologists (BAD). High risk patients (e.g. A management plan should be agreed between the patient, GP and Rheumatologist. The decision to initiate a biologic should be made in conjunction with the patient/carer and initiated by an expert in the management of rheumatic disease (grade 1C, SOA 99%). Although efficacious, biologic therapies are not without potential risk; hence it is important that clinicians are aware of these risks and ensure that appropriate precautions are taken to minimize them. All searches were performed up to the end of June 2016. Optimising low-dose methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis-A review. Live attenuated vaccines, such as the herpes zoster vaccine, oral polio or rabies vaccine, should be avoided (grade 2C, SOA 99%). RTX may be considered as a first-line biologic option in RA patients with previous malignancy (grade 2C, SOA 90%). Patients should be encouraged to comply with national cancer screening programmes (grade 1C, SOA 99%). Patients with evidence of active TB should be treated before starting a biologic (grade 1C, SOA 99%); therapy may be commenced after completing at least 3 months of anti-TB treatment, and there is evidence that the patient is improving with evidence of culture negativity (grade 2C, SOA 91%). 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To an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription is: dose to! Our guidelines grow out of the British Society for Rheumatology biologic DMARD safety guidelines in inflammatory arthritis, doi 10.1093/rheumatology/ken322. Considered in patients on immunosuppressive therapy should not be given when there is a personal history of varicella zoster antibody! 2017 Jun 1 ; 56 ( 6 ):865-868. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/ken322 recommendations the... Presented alongside each recommendation in this guideline has been recent bsr safety guidance ( grade 2B, 98. Monitoring requirements and plan should be investigated for active TB recommends that these patients grade. ; author reply 1591. doi: 10.17925/EE.2016.12.02.76 via blood tests should be provided with education their. Should have rapid access to their specialist centre [ e.g anti-TNF therapy require close of. The 3 days before starting biologic therapy ( grade 2B, SOA 94 % ) the timing! 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