How to say preferable in English? How to use preferable in a sentence is shown in this page. preferable choice would be to use local resources wherever possible. For dry situations almond stocks are preferable, but they are not long-lived, while for damp or clayey foams it is better to use certain kinds of plums. What does preferably mean? Votive candle holders about three inches in size are preferable, but you can choose the size that is easy to handle for the age group in your scouting troop. That seems to me to be morally preferable than throwing away embryos that you can't use in an IVF program. Although there are many bikinis available for little girls, a one-piece or tankini is usually preferable. Birds may be used for breeding or kept after their hunting days are over, but falconers believe it is preferable that young, fit birds are flown at quarry. For example, "I presented my research at the conference." Cream of lime of 17° Beaume is sometimes used, but the weaker solution is preferable, since the proper proportion is more easily adjusted. Local retailers are preferable, since it will give you a chance to try out different machines and see what you like best before buying. preferable solution is to ensure that the route is clear on the ground. High quality example sentences with “it would have been preferable” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Problem solving, decision making and insightful interactive conversations became preferable to information transmission, and fact learning. 17)- of the dependent passage may be preferable to that of the original. While it's preferable to try on a swimsuit before purchasing, there just aren't that many brick-and-mortar shops that have a large selection of plus size swimwear in Canada, a problem found in the U.S. as well. Part 1 explains why nutritional supplementation is preferable (in most cases) to drug therapy. Other Words from preferable Example Sentences Learn More about preferable. If you can still make the payments yourself, even if you can only make minimum payments, this is likely to be preferable as long as you set a plan in motion to get the debt paid down. The full-sized tubers are, however, preferable to smaller ones, as their larger buds tend to produce stronger shoots, and where cut sets are used the best returns are obtained from sets taken from the points of the tubers - not from their base. 2 The language of the canon is ambiguous; but this interpretation seems to be preferable, especially in view of canon 23, which enacts that jejunii superpositiones are to be observed in all months except July and August. While much less well known that the original King Kong, it's a much more logically cohesive story, and is preferable in any event because the giant ape lives to be returned to his native habitat. Pre-cooking is preferable since the process of cooking the vegetables can capitalize on the sugars. 3. Bayberries created a clean-smelling, hard wax that was preferable by far to tallow. For most camping situations, internal frame design is preferable. On side effects alone this would seem preferable to normal external beam treatment. Even the iron rule of Attila was preferable to the time of anarchy that succeeded it. It is, therefore, decidedly preferable to employ " muffle-furnaces " in which the heating is performed from without, the fire-gases passing first over the arch and then under the bottom of the muffle. In the climate of Great Britain a late variety is preferable, as securing the young shoots against injury from frost, to which otherwise they are very subject. Complex carbohyd rates are preferable because they provide a steady stream of energy that does make glucose levels spike as significantly as sugars do. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. While of course it's preferable to have a girl measured and fitted in person, that just isn't always feasible. Two guides are required for each cage; they may be placed opposite to each other, either on the long or short sides - the latter being preferable. 21. For the latter purpose the hard, somewhat flinty grains are preferable, and they are prepared by grinding off the outer cuticle which forms " pot barley.". Preferable to an opaque screen is a piece of ground glass, which allows the shadow to be examined from the farther side (Lord Rayleigh). If much iron should be present in the shale then it is preferable to use potassium chloride in place of potassium sulphate. He would, however, regard atheism as preferable to a belief in an infinite Deity. This is preferable to the use of fall-sown plants. It is preferable that you wait. It's preferable to find out as much information as possible about maternity leave income before you conceive. Heat a heavy skillet, preferable cast iron, over medium-high heat and add enough olive oil to lightly coat. If the beds require watering, water of about 80° should be used, and it is preferable to moisten the covering of litter rather than the surface of the beds themselves. It is preferable to explore an FHA or VA program if you are eligible before looking into first time homebuyer programs sponsored by lenders. In small areas the mulching system is sometimes preferable. Some shoe manufacturers claim that their cleat formation is preferable because it enhances player speed and traction. In addition A full face mask respirator capable of dealing with acid and chlorine gasses and vapors may be preferable in some circumstances. Rhytidome is, however, a preferable term, as the word bark has long been established in popular usage to mean all the tissue that can easily be peeled offi.e. While an early meeting is preferable, I can also make an afternoon appointment. a Conservative government as preferable to his return to power, while many Liberals desired to entrust the fortunes of their party to the guidance of their former chief, LordJohn Russell. 3. This is preferable to the use of fall-sown plants. In spite of the existence of a number of more or less well-marked geographical forms, reindeer from all parts of the northern hemisphere present such a marked similarity that it seems preferable to regard them as all belonging to a single widespread species, of which most of the characters will be the same as those of the genus. cap. It is far preferable to have all your financial ducks in a row before jumping into real estate investing, let alone the mortgage application process. . For several reasons the first of these tales is preferable. It is preferable to pasteurise by placing the bottle of milk in a vessel of water. sedatey experience, its definitely preferable to Pethidine in terms of not sedating babies or women. Getting the proper nutrients through your diet is preferable to getting them from nutritional supplements because of the extra benefits you get from eating foods in their whole state. On this and other local variations a number of nominal species have been founded; but it is preferable to regard them in the light of geographical phases or races, such as the above-mentioned C. latrans estor of Nevada and Utah, C. 1. Although it's preferable that you leave the situation, particularly if things are getting very heated, that's not always possible. Free advertising in the form of a news story is always preferable to having to pay for advertising, and if you do it right, writing press releases and being available to the media for interviews can establish you as an expert in your field. Summer pruning or pinching off the tips of such of the younger shoots as are not required for the extension of the tree, when not carried to too great an extent, is preferable to the coarser more reckless style of pruning. It is difficult, however, to limit its action, and glacial acetic and nitric acids are preferable for this purpose. 46. While they are machine washable, it's preferable to hang them dry so that they last longer and continue to feel their best. 4. In such cases the soporific action is not that which is sought, and so opium is preferable. The size of this depends water is usually preferable for grass land, thick for y P g upon the quantity of water required, but whatever its size its bottom at its origin should be as low as the bed of the river, in order that it may carry down as much as possible of the river mud. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "IS PREFERABLE" - english-german translations and … How to use "preferable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi. For large images or a lot of writing, it is preferable to purchase the can style koozies since they have more surface area. This option is preferable to any other. It's preferable to shop in person where you can, but many web sites carry high-quality vintage gowns or reproduction wear and can advise you on sizing. When you start shopping around for a good deal on a rental, it would be preferable if you are able to speak Spanish effectively during negotiations or you may not get the best rate. Preferable | Definition of Preferable by Merriam-Webster. Velcro is also preferable to metal snaps because the metal can rust over time. For this type of bathroom, neutral colors, preferable white, should always be used. It is preferable to have the room not be too bright with electrical light or sunlight shining on the baby's face. A better bra will let you remove and re-stick it, but it's preferable to avoid this. While some financial experts praise the consistency and predictability of term policies, other financial experts make the claim that universal life is preferable because of the potential for dividends. Silk is a natural fabric that has long been the preferable material for lingerie. And during the period of a century and a half between Antiochus and Plutarch, we may suppose the school to have maintained the old controversy with Stoicism on much the same ground, accepting the formula of " life according to nature," but demanding that the " good " of man should refer to his nature as a whole, the good of his rational part being the chief element, and always preferable in case of conflict, but yet not absolutely his sole good. suretys preferable to have two sureties per person. This is why registration in Part A is preferable although it is the defendant who carries the burden of proof. Such were Dimmler the musician and his wife, Vogel the dancing master and his family, Belova, an old maiden lady, an inmate of the house, and many others such as Petya's tutors, the girls' former governess, and other people who simply found it preferable and more advantageous to live in the count's house than at home. Preferable to Lameere's system, because founded on a wider range of adult characters and taking the larval stages into account, is that of H. Recently, however, considerable doubt has been thrown upon the general occurrence of this latter condition in certain Myxosporidia (Microsporidia); and the present writer adopts as preferable, therefore, the terms Ectospora and Endospora (qq.v. The taste imparted from a low-quality vodka is not preferable in the recipe for the perfect martini. Is this situation really preferable from a business standpoint? Now that the length of a division has been estimated a priori, it is perhaps preferable to reverse Plateau's calculation, and to exhibit the frequency of vibration in terms of the other data of the problem. I noticed an insinuation in her response that this was a morally preferable position. Ondra is the goddess of forgetting: she believes that forgetting is preferable to living with the burden of remembering. [ + to] The hazards of the theatre seemed preferable to joining the family paint business. Double-working is sometimes beneficial; thus an almond budded on a plum stock may be rebudded with a tender peach, greatly to the advantage of the latter. Example sentences for "preferable" in popular movie and book plots. In practice, however, it is not found that the presence either of a decidedly greenish-yellow colour or of numerous small bubbles interferes at all seriously with the successful use of the lenses for the majority of purposes, so that it is preferable to sacrifice the perfection of the glass in order to secure valuable optical properties. Because a coat like this should have a slim fit and project power, it's preferable to try it on before purchasing, as the coat you want might need some adjustment to achieve the perfect look. 2) distinguishes the Meleagris from the Gallina Africana or Numidica, the latter having, he says, a red wattle (palea, a reading obviously preferable to galea), while it was blue in the former. As a general principle, off-line moorings are always preferable to creating new linear moorings. But since penicillin injections are painful, oral penicillin may be preferable. Though it is not quite as easy to wield for curl and wave techniques as its three-quarter inch companion, the one-inch plate can style all types of hair and may be preferable for consumers with more broad styling needs. March 25, 1776 Robin Hood ' Whether triennial Parliaments are not preferable to any other mode? GCSE grades at C or higher in English and Mathematics are preferable. The mole-hills and serrated ridges of medieval maps were still in almost general use at the close of the 18th century, and are occasionally met with at the present day, being cheaply produced, readily understood by the unlearned, and in reality preferable to the uncouth and misleading hatchings still to be seen on many maps. that goods differ in quality as well as in duration, and that the superior good or the lesser evil is always to be preferred; that absence of a given amount of good is preferable to the presence of equivalent evil; that future good or evil is to be regarded as much as present, if equally certain, and nearly as much if very probable. preferable to start planting up with conifers in autumn followed by other surrounding plants during the following season. How to use preferable in a sentence. Since the transit circle is preferable to the equatorial for such observations wherein great accuracy is required, the declination and hour circles of an equatorial are employed, not for the determination of the right ascensions and declinations of celestial objects, but for directing the telescope with ease and certainty to any object situated in an approximately known position, and which may or may not be visible to the naked eye, or to define approximately the position of an unknown object. rich in humus and nitrogen is preferable. How to use Preferable in a sentence? The crystals of octahedral borax fuse more easily than those of the prismatic form and are less liable to split when heated, so that they are preferable for soldering or fluxing. Lovebirds can live for up to 20 years and are preferable for those that like quiet birds. Dean cursed himself for not wanting to talk to the redheaded deputy, who would have been infinitely preferable to this obnoxious jerk. Therefore, it is preferable to begin looking for a backpack in a retail outlet. You can do this experiment with any soda, but many find diet coke preferable because it's less sticky. Reducing your expenses is typically the easiest way to go, but finding a way to generate a source of supplemental income may be preferable if you feel like your budget is already stretched to the limit. better or more suitable: Surely a diplomatic solution is preferable to war. Solid colors are preferable to brightly patterned clothes. There is an apparently arbitrary transposition of lines and columns; the result would hold good if on the left-hand side we had written (a, (3, y), (a', 13', y'), (a", (3", y"), or what is the same thing, if on the right-hand side we had transposed the second determinant; and either of these changes would, it might be thought, increase the elegance of the form, but, for a reason which need not be explained,' the form actually adopted is the preferable one. A southern aspect, or one varying to south-east or south-west, is preferable; if these aspects cannot be secured, the plants selected must be adapted to the position. Cream of lime of 17° Beaume is sometimes used, but the weaker solution is preferable, since the proper proportion is more easily adjusted. The Dutch erected a factory here in 1656, on a healthy spot of ground, much preferable to that on which Calcutta is situated. If you are buying a cotton or synthetic cardigan, the more natural and organic fibers are preferable but you can feel confident shopping anywhere that sells something flattering and fun. The presses having perforated cylinders, although presenting mechanically a more perfect arrangement, are not preferable to the press cages formed by staves, as the holes become easily clogged up by the meal, when the cylinder must be carefully cleaned out. It's preferable to buy your first designer tie in person so you can hold it up or try it on, but definitely shop around to see if you can land a great tie at a bargain. It is preferable to have two sureties per person. Be careful with yellow tones as complementary colors; sunflower is preferable to ice yellow with ivory hues, even ones with yellow undertones. Cooking using a gas flame is preferable to preparing foods using electric ovens or microwaves. Focusing on the universal principles of relationships will do far more for your dating prowess than suffering anxiety over whether or not a movie date is preferable to a long walk in the park. Unless you are incredibly fit past forty, this type of swimsuit is preferable for the frames of younger women. Another word for preferable. As his son Moawiya who succeeded him was certainly adult (the accounts vary between 17 and 23), the latter date seems to be preferable. ‘It sounds preferable to having kids locked away playing alone.’ ‘That said, it is easy to see why many people find even the hardships of a Scottish island preferable to urban life.’ ‘However, he added that it was preferable to finding major problems with the home after completion.’ In the preparation of this salt, it is preferable to mix the component solutions in the cold, and to evaporate them at a temperature not exceeding 60° C. ioo parts of water dissolve iio parts of sodium alum at o° C. (W. In this case the vines are usually planted so that one can be trained up under each rafter, or up the middle of the sash, the latter method being preferable. A distressed look is preferable over a finished look. 2. In some respects it would appear to be very suitable for weighbridges, in which the movement of the lever is very small, but for general convenience of adjustment the knife-edges appear preferable. 90. This is preferable to paying for the entire procedure yourself, as you would have to if you had coverage that was still within the waiting period. Preferable definition is - having greater value or desirability : being preferred. Local dating services may be preferable to dating websites, which may be slightly less convenient for seniors who haven't yet tapped into the Internet information age. Instead of rejecting the older stories of Joshua's conquests it may be preferable to infer that there were radical divergences in the historical views of the past. During cold weather camping excursions, it's actually preferable to sleep on a sleeping mat or pad made of closed cell foam than on an air mattress. For optimum plant health and, if you are growing food crops, optimum nutritional value, a complete nutrient profile is preferable. This is associated with the fact, so ably demonstrated by Darwin, that, at any rate in a large number of cases, cross-pollination yields better results, as measured by the number of seeds produced and the strength of the offspring, than self-pollination; the latter is, however, preferable to absence of pollination. He found it convenient to forget that the elder brother of Charles IV., King Louis X., had left a daughter, whose son, the king of Navarre, had on this theory a title preferable to his own. Glass tumblers are therefore preferable on a day to day basis, however, many colleges use plastic tumblers on occasion for safety reasons. 3. ... "It sounds preferable to having kids locked away playing alone" "Lamp are preferable to light fittings and naked bulbs" "Pain is always preferable to numbness" "Teflon or silica is preferable for this extraction" When buying athletic shoes for even the most low-impact activity, it's always preferable to try them on first. Some of the Simplicity sewing patterns for costumes can be used every day, while others would be preferable for special events and parties. it, that it seemed to all parties preferable to any other form of union. Although from the very conditions of their creation they regarded the country as a field for exploitations, they were themselves often men of education and ability, and unquestionably made some praiseworthy attempts to promote the general culture and well-being of their subjects, In this respect, even the Phanariote regime was preferable tc mere pasha rule, while it had the further consequence of preserving intact the national form of administration and the historic offices of Moldavia. If you say that one thing is preferable to another, you mean that it is more desirable or suitable. An emerald or a ruby ring, for example, is by far preferable to buying a cubic zirconia ring simply because it looks like a diamond. Nailing pieces together is preferable to staples because of the durability of nailed wood. If you suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency, diet therapy is often preferable to correcting the problem with nutritional supplements. A gentle let down is far preferable to being ignored. preferable to have 3 adults in the crèche. And it might have been preferable to be in the Mafia. Of the two stimuli available, the static charge is preferable to the sonic correction because some dogs will later react to similar sounds heard from pagers and cell phones. in length according to the extent of the building, small houses being preferable to larger ones. Such restrictions may seem cruel, but are infinitely preferable to letting the pony get laminitis. is preferable to "My research was presented at the conference.". Here are some situations and places in which a battery operated votive would be preferable to using a lit wax candle. As these indices represent discontinuous data, it would be preferable to use the negative binomial or the Poisson distribution. : having greater value or desirability : being preferred. For extensions, Indian hair is preferable to Chinese or Japanese hair because it is thicker and can be more difficult to style. Darker dresses work best with black slips, and white slips are preferable with white dresses. A visit to your local Habitat is infinitely preferable to shopping online. All Rights Reserved, 150 More Commonly Mispelled Misspelled Words in English. Although tight-fitting clothing is not recommended, a relatively-snug fit is preferable over loose and baggy clothing. Tell Hum (as the name is generally spelt, though Talliam would probably be preferable for several reasons) is an important ruin on the shore, south of the last-mentioned site. Sentence Examples for preferable. JSB: Colors are preferable to white, so you're not mistaken for the bride. 6. For both reasons it is preferable to scammony. But the method (a) previously described appears to be preferable in this respect, since it is better to keep the jacket at the same temperature as the end-blocks. When chips Economically, thinner ply is preferable, but needs strengthening to prevent curved steps. War occurs for a very simple reason: To some nations at some time, war is preferable to peace. Their circumstances are such that, in practice, death appears preferable to more life. preferable in a sentence, 1- It is preferable that she do it alone.2- It is preferable that he gets there by tomorrow.3- A Fil Keep scrolling for more. This is of course preferable, but is only applicable where the owner of the mine can afford to expend the capital required to reach the limit of the field in excess of that necessary when the raising of coal proceeds pari passu with the extension of the main roads. It is far preferable to treat the constipation naturally and solve the problem instead of relying on prescription and over the counter drugs to prompt your child's body to pass stool. 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